Curing hyperuricemia goat 100% Japan without prescription medications

y English grrammer is bad I know, and I hope that you try to understand of goat cure points of mine without prescriptions medications from American Docs. So far I added my comments by Japanese, from now on I keep on writing English. 2016/08/01 updated )If the spelling wrong, later on I modify the frong spelling. It is very nuissant job for me to look over each english word) It is very possible to cure your goat disease 100%, reasoning that I experimented my body to cure goat disesease. Try not use medcations(you canot do it even if you are afriad of it:I used to be afraid of it at the first stage long time ago). those days If I had fiailure in curing goat disease wihout medications, I just simply run to doctor that is good enough, but I did not run to my doctor at all so far( I suceeded under 6.0 uric acid rate by medications and only excercise such as slow joging m, yoga, karate which is my hobby,walking etc). Comonnsense world over is goat cure with medications, but...