Curing hyperuricemia goat 100% Japan without prescription medications

y English grrammer is bad I know, and I hope that you try to understand of goat cure points of mine
without prescriptions medications from American Docs. So far I added my comments by Japanese, from now on I keep on writing English.

2016/08/01 updated
)If the spelling wrong, later on I modify the frong spelling. It is very nuissant job for me to
look over each english word)

It is very possible to cure your goat disease 100%, reasoning that I experimented my body to
cure goat disesease. Try not use medcations(you canot do it even if you are afriad of it:I used to be
afraid of it at the first stage long time ago). those days If I had fiailure in curing goat disease wihout
medications, I just simply run to doctor that is good enough, but I did not run to my doctor at all so far( I suceeded under 6.0 uric acid rate by medications and only excercise such as slow joging m, yoga, karate which is my hobby,walking etc). Comonnsense world over is goat cure with medications, but medcine is too good for you to do excersice daily,so relatively medcine is bad for you. Be advised you better forget about medcines. although you feel dredful veru much

Because of Zylolic and Feblic that are very good medcine to work out, You (patients)
never be able change your wrong lifestle, reasoning that these medcine are too good for you.
The more you depend upon these such medcines, the less you do not do excercise everyday to get over goat or hyperuricimea. Every day excercise can cure you of goat. YOu must get daily excercise
habit, not 3,4 times a week excercise:I said ervyday even if rain and snow. Without everdays, you cannot have daily habit of excercise. YOu can do any excercise daily, not hard excercise, but light
excercise. Excercise written in details in 100% goat cure manuals.(title:(1) how to do excercise (2)
what sort of excersie are good for you)

so far you have Zyrolics or febxostat:You do nt have to throw them away. You can use it in a crisis when uric acid rate of yours belongs to higher leves suddenly):You keep them instead of thorowing them away. human beings are likely to depend on easy things right away which means
that not doing daily excercise with medications to cure, while wihout medications, you must do excercise even if you hate it that is the only way to cure goat I experiencde already myself.

The hyperuricemeia goat medications" effectiveness is only to make uri acid rate lower. that is all.
It cannot work at all for the real cuase of your hyperuricemia. All of sudden uri acid rate goes down
deeply after taking the "Zylorics" "Febxostat" and plunge into even the level of uric acid rate 3.5 or something. Over 8.0 uric acid rate, the medications a must, but no medications necessary for 8.0 and down uric acid rate. In order to attain the final goal, complete goat remdy, forget about the medications, but excercise(what kind excercise are they? they are contents of Kuroyanagi goat manuals) On account of the medcines, you are likely to forget about "change your life style".
This matter hinder your disease recovery, hyperuricemea . As long as you depend upon
medications, you cannot change your life style habits. It is just very easy for you to say that
to change your daily habits such as foods and no excercise, but very hard for you to make into practice. for example, stop booze and cigarette is already more than difficult. No excercise, booze habit, cigartte, eating too much one time, to much stress which are bad habits. Such bad habits
 give rise to goat disease and hyperuricimea. To change these bd habit is pretty hard for  you,
rasing that they are just simple habits. tons of pains and uncomfortablity are occured whenever
you change your life style. Russians are easy to be recoverd by stopping something.
In ruusia tons of goat patients exist note.

Russia are too cold area, so driking vodka too much, then goat and hyperuricimea.
Away from medcine anyway to cure your hyperuricimea. Russia Vodka addicts are lots.
Just stop Vodka along with ay alchol and no medcine. If mdications exist for you, you neve ever
stop vodka.I stopped hard liquor in the past, so you can do it,too. Don't think too much,please.
You just do it simply once you made up your mind without any excuse.
Medications and not stopping Vodka never go well together:Rather later on goat remdy will be worse. Prolonged and constant pains paints must occur in alongside with each goat pains interval
being shorter and shorter. Vodka addicts or Alchohol addicts, at first must be stopped(Just cut down alchohol quntity never work*a bit vodka will be fine to you expression is not available.
Whiel you are at it, you stop sigarette,too which cause hypertension. When uric acid rate get up,
your hypertension is kikely to raised, too.

Right now I am in the midst of updating, each statment is on the way note.

The down underlined  portion will be modified note.


Americans are almost 2 ton tilly--diet must. NO banana split. No lump of read meat,Pork.
Specially NO LIVER. Whatever it may be, exercise eveydays rain or shine. I do not care if
you like it or not:You must do it without febuxostat or allopurinol. Do all things of excercise
in Kazuo's manual. After diet and excercise better think of hypertansion medicat
Your hypertantion rate must go down a lot after tjose, reasoning that I used to be like that.
If your hypertantions get down, must go medications . Change your life styles,please
whatever it may be. Never depend upon medications of febxostat or allopurinol, because
those drugs is too much effective to make uric acid level down--IF YOU TAKE THOSE
Better be away "hyperuricimea rate;7.0 and over:Do not do it for a long time,
otherwise you will be in big problem. YOu do not wanna" do excercise, but must do it.
Chronic renal failures,CKD, Glomercular filtration rate goes bad.
See to it "Creatinine figures"
Fix hyperuricimea as soon as possible without prescriptions:he has had goat for
30 years old, but he does need medications to recover:long timer of goat paitients
must have prescriptions to be recovered. Goat short timer can be remdied very soon
without prescriptions. Once the first goat of yours, cure it as soon as possible like me.
Creatinine rate is 05~1.1 note. Do not get over 1.1 please. Rate 5 needs artifitial


PLease be advised that Americans better forget about prescription medications.
reasoning that 2 ton tillers here, there and anywhere along diabetes(Let me talk about only
hyperuricimea here in along side with hypertension). forget all about allopurinol or febuxostat).
YOu cure goat disease by excercise, foods, yoga, abdominal breathing, stress out and quitting
(booze)specially beer. forget Miller, budweiser etc. forget Marboro. You must forget about prescription medication
from Docs. I know you are afraid of it, but you do it. Do not depend on prescription.
Cure yourself all by yourselves,please. You are still afraid of it, so what remains
without prescription medications. This is my goat cure manuals in Japan. IF you depend upon
allopurinol or febuxostat, you must keep on depend on then in your whole life, reasoning that
you are wayward as to your life style, eating habits, excercise. If you step forward to change your life style
affressively like me, you can get rid of hyperuricimea like me. Just do it. Although it is not easy to
change your life stle, you must do it leaning on Kazuo's goat cure manuals, or you keep
on taking pills prescription in you whole life, at which you do not change your life style.
Which do you like better,folks? What is your choise? IF your kidny is heavily damaged,
febuxostat s a must. At first you check it out if your kidny damage is heavy or not to Ameican docs.
Uremic, high creatinene,Glomeulus damage,etc. If your kidny still easily recovered,
supplementを使用するわけだ。たとへば痛風に関する用語は;gouty arthritis,
ckd,crtirc acid, uric acid hyperuricemia, hypertension,renal insufficiency, obesity, purine metabolism,
Now I recovered 100% from hyperuricemea with natural healings, stopping to take
prescription drugs. Prescription medcine simply reduce uric acid levels artificially,
leaving goat real reason just like that. Only 2 ways:keep on doing light excersie
with light excercise and without taking doat drug. I used to be very afraid of
stopping take goat drugs in order to start light excercise, diet and yoga.
keep taking drugs in your whole life time without excercise.
I made experimentation before that I wonder if I can recover from goat without
goat prescription medcine. I actually suceeded 100%
I really hope that Americans get rid of prescription drugs, that works good, but no good
for you. There never ever exist medcine which cure hyperuricemia, but those medcine
Fubuxostat etc work on the surface, not to the core.Hyperuricemia is
just lifestyle-related diseases along diabetics. As long as you thinkabout prescriptions,
you have to keep on taking goat prescriptions whole your lift.Without presriptions,
Cure your goat which is my main point, while I regained 100% now from hyperuricemia.Excercise
 and restricted diet wihtout prescriptions is the one and hope, American forks.
My goat cure manuals in Japan by Japanese letters get hearty welcome already, which has
excersice "Yoga"abdominal breathing and such breathing with walking excercise.
What is the restricted diet? Salad just good enough and also japanese goods are well
situated as diet foods at the same time. But sardine, bonitos etc bad, reasoning
that tons of purines contained, so Americans just throw beer drinkings:beer is very bad
( I quit alkohol anyway and even smoking) Instead of get rid of prescriptions,
can you quite alhohoric things and cigarette? Gout-cure-any-prescriptions are
becessary evils? No necessary evils at all.
My point of curing goat without prescription drugs. DO NOT DEPEND ON THE DRUGS, reasoning
that you do not do excercise and go on a diet by the medcine working on only surface and
what is bad is that those prescription drugs work very well to decrease uric acid level
far down temporaliry.IN short, it goes without saying that there never ever exist effective drugs
to cure goat essentially. If you do not quit alcohol, you keep on taking prescription drugs in your whole life
 without doing excercise and changing foods. In my goat curing manuals, tons of method to
make work it out for goat go away from my experince of recovery. kidny massage,also.
Without prescription drugs, there exist only excercise, how to take foods blanced and
 go on a diet. Very simple. I saw tons of times Americans drinking beer during my staying
in a America 13 years before. Although I am sushi sheff,  I felt thatAmerican foods take purines
too much and very fat persons here, there and anywhere. Drinking streight whisky and Burbons
are ver bad for goat occurence again. Prescription drugs are like loxonin which stop
only pains on the surface. Why Americans stop to take prescription drugs I wonder too much.
LEt me say the reason that you would not quit drink. As long as you rkeep on drinking,
you must take allopourinol or febuxostat,Adenuric,in your whole lift. Why don't you do excercise
and on a diet? Much stress must have something to do with goat severe pains.Americanns
take beer, Budweiser, Miller from dawn to night--I saw their drinkings a lot time so far.
That is more than too bad. Kazuo's goat curing manuals say about effective excercise
in details.

Reduce your weight and do all things Kuroyanagi goat manuals) balanced.
Do not do only one thing, but do all things,please. And do not take goat
prescription medcine(except heavy  hyperuricimea patients=you can ask your doctor
if you are situated or not). Never take goat prescription medcine( you will be afraid of it
for sure. I used to be afraid of it before, but I recovered 100% now)

YOu can read Japanese words by using tranlation software here if you like.
(Prescription work on the surface, not work for the core of bad goat)

Kazu Kuroyanagi, age;63



痛風 原因 ストレス アルコール

痛風の痛みが長引く 痛風の慢性化 痛風のはれがひかない 
